Whether you're a day-one supporter or you've stumbled across our site for the very first time, welcome! Fighting Animal Endangerment, FAE, is a student-founded campaign to raise awareness for extinct and endangered animals. Inspired by organizations like the World Wildlife Fund, Oceana, and more, when we were faced with the task of creating our own social media campaign, we knew we wanted to make a difference in our natural world.

Our philosophy is that it's important to educate people about the current state of our world. In elementary school, I remember learning about the extinction of dinosaurs, woolly mammoths, dodo birds, and saber tooth tigers. But nobody was talking about the 500+ species that had gone extinct since 1900, or any of the animals at danger of extinction now, and I was led to believe that extinction was a thing of the past.
Here at FAE, we hope to bridge that educational gap and have fun doing it!
Follow Us on Social Media!
Instagram: @fae_wildlife
Twitter: @faewildlife